Listed below is the letter I sent back to the Hall of Fame.

September 18, 2015
Randy Sears
P O Box 270385
Kansas City, MO 64127

Dear Mr. Sears and the Central Auto Racing Boosters Hall of Fame and Museum Board of Directors,

Thank you for the 2014 financial report, I do have some questions, questions brought on by your reply letter.

The Hall of Fame trailer is not found in the report, this should have been included in the financial report as income from C.A.R.B. the 501c4 with a value. By the way where is the Hall of Fame trailer, a part of the history of the organization? There are rumors about its’ location but the best answer is to come to the source and ask the question so this is my written request.

Why was this report not available at the annual meeting as required by Missouri Statute Chapter 355.231, of which this organization is formed?
I notice you state accepted accounting methods, accepted accounting methods include a financial total of what the organization has in value, total assets and total expenditures leading to a total financial report. Also accepted accounting methods include an audit process, were the financial records audited this past year and if yes by whom? As for the 2013 records everything was transferred to the 2014 treasurer.

Mr. Sears, your letter states it is unreasonable to expect Rick and Karen Darling to return to my environment to get items belonging to the Hall of Fame, as they stated they would do, because of my history with them,. Could you further elaborate?

Finally, I would have called you to arrange the pickup of these items but you did not leave a telephone number.

Looking forward to your reply. Again thank you for answering my letter after five different written attempts (text, email, and certified letter, all are forms of written communication in the court of law) to obtain this information.

Warm regards,
J. D. Green
P.S. How many other entities have you requested their media credentials?