HOF By-Law Changes 2017

Click the link above to see how the current Officers and Board of Directors are working to steal the Hall of Fame and Museum from the membership. Apparently they no longer want to be a part of the Central Auto Racing Boosters the organization in which many of us put in long hours raffling cars, holding events to create this 501c3.

The meeting to vote on these changes is Sunday November 5, 2017 at the Woodneath Library, 8900, NE Flintlock, Kansas City, Missouri 64157.  Meeting starts at 1:30 P.M.  Calling all Central Auto Racing Boosters, current and former members please take a gander at these proposed changes they apparently did not want anyone to see.  I will be contacting the IRS tomorrow because what was approved by them to be a 501c3 was the original bylaws.  Also I still have not heard from the President of the Organization, Karen Darling.