THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE! After weeks of not so great weather, Mother Nature gave us a beautiful day! Clear skies, sunny, and 75 degrees at race time. Thank you!

We had a ton of fun on week 5. Power wheel racers, eight classes of cars, Vintage Racecars and Vintage Racers, including the track owner, 25 races in total, and we started on time and ended at 10:30 p.m. This was one of those nights where everything seemed to go right, even if we had some behind the scenes oops that were never witnessed by anyone other than those of us involved it getting it fixed. Now that you are curious, the oops I am talking about, is we went to turn on the track lights and none of us could push up the handle, however, because this had occurred one other time someone remembered turn the screw like thingy while pushing up the handle. Presto the lights came on!

Several have asked where can they find the results and the points. Since 2003 most racetracks have utilized Unfortunately three years ago Jerry Beetz the founder of the software passed away. Since that time the software had been sold to another company and in the process opened the door for other programmers to enter the market. We are pleased to be utilizing SpeedScoreOne, created by Pat Forbes, to prepare our lineups, enter the results, and track the points. We upload this data to our website,, and it is located under the Drivers tab. Pat elected not to have one central website for this information but instead allow the tracks to be advertise their own websites.

Speaking of sharing information, please if you utilize Facebook like our Facebook page. Since August of last year, Nicole Noll, has been providing I-35 Speedway updates via Facebook Live. This year we added Rick Staley providing a race night recap at the end of the races. Look for us to continue to utilize this great tool of social media. You never know we may some night offer the race fans a great opportunity via Facebook, so check us often.

In the tech world we introduced our prerace tech procedures this past week. Each week we will select one or two classes to head to the tech barn. This past week we took a pre-race look at the E Mods and the Pure Stocks. Once racing starts everyone gets super busy keeping the race program moving, by prerace teching we can look at more areas and cover more items on the racecars. What was great in post tech, since I was the Tech Official this past week, those who had been in pretech had their carburetors marked, so once we saw the mark we knew their carburetor was good. You never know some people change carburetors during the night so we must post race check even items which were checked in prerace tech. The prerace tech also prepares everyone for the USRA Nationals which will be held at I-35 Speedway in October.

Congratulations to all our winners this past week, Dennis Elliott, Dean Wray, Randy Smith Jr., Bud Wilson, Donnie Brown, Jason Billups, and Jacob Grotewiel.