This day was a reminder of days past. Diana and I went to church where as a church we recognized those who have died ensuring our freedom to enjoy the church of our choice and enjoy the sports of our choice. Thank you to all who have served our country in the military and especially to the family of loved ones who did not return.

Why is this day a day of reminders past – well we attended a graduation party for Chris Kline, yea Chris! We left Chris’ party for a going way party saying goodbye to Craig and Maria Hover, we wished Susan SIlvey a Happy Birthday from afar (facebook), and we enjoyed the X Men movie to finish the night. All these people are part of our racing family. In a small way I was used as matchmaker, apparently by the divine wish of God.

Let’s take a trip back in time. Chris we have watched grow. The Klines have been around racing and C.A.R.B. and part of the racing family for a very long time. I do not remember when we first met but I know it was back when Diana and I were still racing. Having had two sons graduate (both high school and college) we know what it takes to raise children and therefore say congrats Ed and Stacy.
Craig Hover was the former marketing director of Lakeside and I-70 Speedways. In March 1997, Bob Baker called and advised he was resigning as General Manager of Lakeside and I-70 Speedways and moving to Texas with his wife Karen. Marc Olson, then marketing director, became the new general manager of the two tracks for owner Ted Carlson. Marc Olson hired Craig Hover to become the marketing director, a position Craig held until 2000 when Lakeside went dirt and I-70 remained asphalt. Craig became the General Manager of I-70 Speedway in 2000. About this same time we had started a NASCAR Jacket bowling league at Mickey Finn’s North Kansas City Pro Bowl. It seemed every year I would meet someone new in the league and hire them as an official at the racetracks. That person one year was none other than Maria, she would work the back gate and then as a turn spotter. She and Craig began dating and the rest is history including informing me before the start of 2004 racing season she would no longer be an official, because they were being blessed with a baby. Craig, Maria, and Ethan (BHO) good luck in Nashville, we will continue to follow you on your website

Susan Silvey, girlfriend, I hope you had a great birthday, not telling your age but next year is a big one. Susan was also one of our former officials. One night we got rained out at the track before race time so we packed up and headed for Margaritas. After Margaritas Susan asked me to find out about the single guy on Randy Ainsworth team so I called Randy. Like normal men Randy gave me the phone number for Mark Silvey, my job was done correct? I called Susan and gave her the phone number and then I got the girlfriend routine, is he single, where does he live, does he have children, where does he work, is he seeing anyone, she listed so many questions I could not remember them all but as a good ‘girlfriend’ I would call Randy back and get the information. Fortunately, Dana Ainsworth answered the phone this time and I was able to get all the information a girlfriend is supposed to get and then some. Marc and Susan became a couple and within a couple of months an old married couple. They worked for us as track officials until they moved to Florida.

It is great looking back at history. We will miss Craig and Maria as they move south, just like we missed and continue to miss Susan and Mark when they moved south, but they were a part of our Kansas City racing history. Chris we look forward to your part in the Kansas City racing history.